Brazil was established in 1500 by Pedro Cabral. Brazil gained its independence from Portugal on September 7th, 1822. Brazil gained their independence peacefully. In 1888 slavery was abolished in Brazil. Independence day is celebrated on September 7th every year. The Brazilians celebrate their Independence Day with banners, streamers, fireworks, parades, and much more.
Most of the South Americans are Christians. They go to church regularly on Sundays and they celebrate Christmas and Easter at the same time we do. In South America they celebrate Christmas by decorating and giving gifts but to them Christmas mostly celebrates the Goddess Mother Earth for giving them a good harvest and keeping away plagues. In South America Easter is celebrated with carnivals, food, drinks, dancing, singing, and people usually wear some of th
While I was visiting one of my friends in Brazil there was a flood that has killed over 500 people and left over 14,000 people homeless. Many people will have to find new places to live and they may have lost everything or a family member in the flood. 
While in South America I visited the Christ the Redeemer statue. This statue is important to the South Americans because they believe that Christ died for us and that they should worship him. The statue represents South America's culture because it shows how most of the South Americans are Christians. Construction of the statue began in 1922 and the statue opened to the public on October 12, 1931. The statue is 120 feet tall. In 2008 the statue was struck by lightning suffering damage to the fingers. In 2010 the statue was vandalized when someone spray pain


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    December 2012

